Thank you all for reiterating my sarcasm. Which was, of course, the this forum stays on topic. It's exceptionally orthodox for the return thread of an old member to become a heated debate on if there is a significant difference on the derogatory remarks towards racial and sexual preference, and who has been on FA longer. Most likely, you'll ignore this post and continue your argument. If that is the case, then carry on.
Although since we are on this topic... In my opinion there is no significant difference between racial and sexual remarks as they are both discriminatory of a particular lifestyle. Given, some people believe homosexuality is more a choice then a lifestyle, it is undeniable that it is a possibility that homosexuals are born as homosexuals, and not all men are created straight.
Either way, although this is contracting all i just contributed by asking you all to change topics(although it's only back on the 'original' topic), how has everyone been?