Originally Posted by ibme
The one thing I watch for is how often a canidate puts out an ad that "smears" the other canidate and tells me little to nothing about themselves.
So many past elections were mostly nothing but that. Few ads telling me anything about their positions on things. To me it's nothing more than a big waste of their campaign money and if their willing to waste that money then I'm fairly certain they will be less concerned when it comes to our money.
They want my attention then tell me about their plans and position on subjects that concern me and spend less time telling me half truths about the other guy.
So far I have seen far more smear campaigns from the McCain camp than the Obama camp this year. I really expect that they will throw one out that there that plays a word game about how Obama - Biden compares to Osama Bin Laden....ie Obama-Osama and Bin laden-Biden......
I am actually surprised by the number of smear ads Obama has released. Not as much as McCain but I thought he was going to be completely clean.