I am 40% White!
Crazy thing is, that's actually pretty damn near right. I am something like 40% or 45% white, or some shit.
Body: How White are you?
[ ] You went to a private school.
[ ] You watch the show laguna beach.
[ ] You watch the show American Idol
[ ] You watch the show O.C.
[ ] You have listened to a band called Fuel.
[ ] You've shopped at american eagle, aeropostale, hollister.
[X] You have/had a dog that is NOT a pitbull.
[X] You have owned more than 1 dog.
[ ] You bend the bill of your hat
[ ] You own pair of dc's/converse/tennies/vans.
[X] You / Your parent(s) drive cars with leather seats
[X]Your main language is English
[X] You say the word DUDE
[X] You think cops are good.
[X] You have absolutely no idea what twista is saying when he raps.
[X]You listen to rock.
[ ]You know who Willie Nelson is.
[ ] Your parents give you money when you ask.
[ ] Your parents just hand you money for no reason at all
[ ]You wear flip flops with alot of your clothes.
[ ] You have said awesome or totally more than 100 times.
Now take how many X's you put and multiply it by 5...Then
post saying "I am __% White