I checked for 360 but I know most of you guys want the pc one to so we can post findings in here.
This website is very short on infor but they show that ut3 will have a clan system built into the game. Also doesn't say how many online players? maybe more than 16?
One site i found said the game was coming out at the Q2 of 2007 and another said Q3 of 2007, so their is a time frame that is not dependable.
This just talks about game play. Also says that the console game can not be played with right now. So are they going to slap this game together in 6 months? The pc one they said had bad frame rate as of now. So they still have a lot of work to do.
One good thing is UBI Soft not making it:p
Here is the actual website:
Not much to do there.