How to make your rank higher on Tracker.
The Activity, Popularity and Experience Bars in your AAO Profile are the average statistics of your detailed Map Stats! You must earn Activity, Popularity and Experience on 50% of all Maps that are tracked on tracker, when you want a high bar and a high user rank. When you only playing two or three Maps you will not get a high userrank. For the highest Userrank you need to have 100% Expierience, Popularity and Activity on 50% of all tracked maps.
When you watch your detailed MapStats you will see those three bars on every Map. They are calculated on this way:
Activity Bar: The onlinetime in hours multiplies with your FragRate.
Calculated: (Onlinetime * FragRate) = Activity in percent
Popularity Bar: For the popularity bar you need Leader- and Goalscore, not so much ROE and a good FragRate.
Calculated: ((Leaderscore + Goalscore - ROE)/500) * FragRate = Popularity in percent
Experience Bar: The experience is calculated by your total score divided through 200.
Calculated: Total Score / 200 = Experience in percent
(A couple people asked me how to make it higher, so I thought I'd post this).