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Some Deep Shit
Old 03-07-2007, 09:36 PM   #1  
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Default Some Deep Shit

Yo, this is brought up every once in a while on these boards, am gonna bring it up again because it is a fun topic. I am in several philosophy classes, am a semi-big science buff, and all that jazz.

In religion, God created everything. If that is so, how did God come into existence?

In science, the big bang was the beginning. If that is so, what initiated the big bang?

Now, with this being said; I don't care what religion you are, if your an atheist, or what. Bottom line is, how does something come into existence out of nothing. Can anyone explain that? Can it even be comprehended?

The idea that there is a God goes hand in hand with the master designer theory. That there is order in the universe and God creates order. But if this is true, God is infinite, and you cannot use something that is infinite to describe something that is finite. Therefore the world is not intelligible(no hard facts because the foundation is not explained), which is the central foundation of what every person strives for, truth.

If science is founded on reason, and theories are used in science, yet the central ideas and its foundations are unknown, you cannot have a world that is intelligible. There are no facts, there is no truth.

So here is the question. Imagine nothing exists at all. Out of this, explain how something can come into existence. If you can do this(Any way possible), you will have successfully derived a theorem that can explain the universe

This is all based on whether you think that truth can be quantifiable. If not, than there is no truth in the world anyways. But if you believe that everything can be explained, that the world is finite, and that there is truth, than get cracking.

Good Luck

Edited for grammer
Tastes like honey licked off a virgins thigh


Last edited by Sc0rPi0n : 03-07-2007 at 09:42 PM.
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