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Old 09-23-2008, 01:26 PM   #21  
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Originally Posted by ibme
The one thing I watch for is how often a canidate puts out an ad that "smears" the other canidate and tells me little to nothing about themselves.

So many past elections were mostly nothing but that. Few ads telling me anything about their positions on things. To me it's nothing more than a big waste of their campaign money and if their willing to waste that money then I'm fairly certain they will be less concerned when it comes to our money.

They want my attention then tell me about their plans and position on subjects that concern me and spend less time telling me half truths about the other guy.

So far I have seen far more smear campaigns from the McCain camp than the Obama camp this year. I really expect that they will throw one out that there that plays a word game about how Obama - Biden compares to Osama Bin Laden....ie Obama-Osama and Bin laden-Biden......

I am actually surprised by the number of smear ads Obama has released. Not as much as McCain but I thought he was going to be completely clean.
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Old 09-24-2008, 10:21 AM   #22  
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Originally Posted by Sc0rPi0n
I am actually surprised by the number of smear ads Obama has released. Not as much as McCain but I thought he was going to be completely clean.

Obama's ads are at least true. McCain just makes shit up. But yeah, Obama was smear free for a while there, then when he dipped in the polls all the other Dems were complaining he wasn't being tough enough. Saw one guy on CNN saying he donated a bunch of money to Obama but put in the comment line "For Negative Ads Only", because he was getting tired of Obama not fighting back. Now Obama's stuck a foot in the mud which sucks IMO, but the truth is, Americans are ignorant enough that they wont vote for a guy unless he shows he can get dirty with the enemy.
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Old 10-15-2008, 07:31 AM   #23  
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yes its also bias (obviously) but never claimed it wasnt look at the url title.. but atleast its run and researched by a team put together by the DNC

Like i said, its the first site i pulled off of google man. there were many more on both sides, believe me, its shocking these people dont have a life. Im actually independent man, i dont believe in the party system, i think its ruining this country along with career politicians, i look at the facts from everyone running and try and wade threw the lies EVERYONE throws. Voting for someone because there younger, older, black, white, has a funny name, you belong to the party / ethnic group so you have to, is fucking bullshit. I believe ive said it many times, i would have voted for hillary. i PERSONALLY dont think Obama or McCain will be good for the country one way or another so im sitting this one out. Yes i know im gonna get a reply saying "How can you change the country and situation if you dont vote" and my answer would be, frankly because neither will be able to do 90% of the shit they say to get elected, obama i dont believe has the experiance to do shit...McCain will prolly die leaving Palin in office which nothing against women but palin is crazy as all hell, i have this big problem with religous fanatics in the government...must be from living in alaska...so yes if you really ask me personally i hope obama gets elected just to show the world we arent a bunch of ignorant assholes they think we are, but dont expect him to be able to do a damn thing, the president doesnt make the laws or policys he just signs em in...if you want real change elect someone thats worth a fuck into congress which i do plan on voting for here this nov. thats what really counts...anyway my rants over...
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