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Gun control.
Old 07-12-2007, 02:25 AM   #1  
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Default Gun control.

Okay, it's highly likely that most of you have already read this, or received this in your e-mail at some point, as it may be a chain=e-mail.
My Mother sent me this, but I decided to forward it here.

""Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."

~ Thomas Jefferson


1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

3. Colt: The original point and click interface.

4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.

9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.

10. The United States Constitution 1791. All Rights Reserved.

11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.

15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

17. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.

18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

19. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.

20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

22. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.

23. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more.

24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control."
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Old 07-12-2007, 04:09 AM   #2  
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Funny stuff.

In a perfect world, guns would be banned in this country :(

Too bad the world isn't even close to decent, let alone perfect.

But your point was to be funny, not start a discussion about why guns are for short people, or those with a small wiimote. My bad :)
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Old 07-12-2007, 07:27 AM   #3  
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does that mean rifles are not controlled?
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Old 07-12-2007, 12:08 PM   #4  
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Guns shouldn't be banned, handguns should be banned, maybe. There is still reason to argue that. I know a friend who pulled out a handgun on a group of muggers who were using knifes, probably saved his life. Then there are background checks and such. In a perfect world indeed
Tastes like honey licked off a virgins thigh

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Old 07-12-2007, 12:07 PM   #5  
eighteesix / Killya
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what about really big magnifying glasses on a sunny day?
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Old 07-12-2007, 04:02 PM   #6  
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I'm glad the blame didn't get thrown back at me, since I didn't even state my own opinion about this.

I posted this on the IUE5 forums, and got loads of stuff for it.
The truth is, I do agree with it. (It being gun freedom)

If everyone and their mother owned a gun, there would be less murders. Think about it. Only about 5% of americans are evil to this point. That means 95% of us would use guns rightly. And if everyone knew that someone else had a firearm, no one would want to murder anyone else. It's like you being a criminal, and you're walking about a world of cops, and everyone else, besides you, is a cop. Would you be foolish to shoot someone knowing he had a gun, and would surely shoot you?
Even the threat of power, has power. (Let someone guess which quote this one came from) Think of a counter strike world. Say 10 people are comming at you with a knife, and you've got an ak. Who wins 90% of the time? (Assuming you're a good aim.)

Also, another stat that isn't seen is the one about knifes. There is an FBI stat which shows the deaths from knives is higher then that of any gun. The weapon of choice for the gangs is a knife. Not a gun like most people think from watching the movies. The media chooses to only show us time, after time, after time the horrible crimes guns can cause. Not knives.

Evil people are the problem. Not the guns. Gun control only makes US citizens less safe. Because, like drugs, guns can't be under 100% control. So, if no police has a gun, no person has one, then the the luck guy who got his ak-47, and a 50 round clip (No bashing the 50 round clip lol) is a god, because no one else can stop him.
And lets say, you can go back in time, and disinvent guns. History shows man's brutal behavior, and wars, and crimes will get started, no matter how much control you have.
True, some people say, "No one with a knife will murder 10 people in one day"
Well, how do we know this? Have there been reports on this? Can you trust the media to tell you everything? (That's NOT a conspiracy about the government statement.) Once again, if these mass muder scenes, like schools, and Virginia tech, if all those students had guns, don't you think the death could would have been lower?

Contries don't attack one another now (Unless you're Iraq) because all the contries, espcially the major world powers, know the other has not only a deadly army, and military force, but a nuclear arsenal. This threat of power has brougt peace. Everyone knows if you bomb the us, you'll get get hit hard back. So, as long as everyone is equaly matched, no one will attack, not unless another reason comes into play. (That's another story)
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Old 07-16-2007, 01:04 PM   #7  
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Originally Posted by RavenBeef
I'm glad the blame didn't get thrown back at me, since I didn't even state my own opinion about this.

I posted this on the IUE5 forums, and got loads of stuff for it.
The truth is, I do agree with it. (It being gun freedom)

If everyone and their mother owned a gun, there would be less murders. Think about it. Only about 5% of americans are evil to this point. That means 95% of us would use guns rightly. And if everyone knew that someone else had a firearm, no one would want to murder anyone else. It's like you being a criminal, and you're walking about a world of cops, and everyone else, besides you, is a cop. Would you be foolish to shoot someone knowing he had a gun, and would surely shoot you?
Even the threat of power, has power. (Let someone guess which quote this one came from) Think of a counter strike world. Say 10 people are comming at you with a knife, and you've got an ak. Who wins 90% of the time? (Assuming you're a good aim.)

Also, another stat that isn't seen is the one about knifes. There is an FBI stat which shows the deaths from knives is higher then that of any gun. The weapon of choice for the gangs is a knife. Not a gun like most people think from watching the movies. The media chooses to only show us time, after time, after time the horrible crimes guns can cause. Not knives.

Evil people are the problem. Not the guns. Gun control only makes US citizens less safe. Because, like drugs, guns can't be under 100% control. So, if no police has a gun, no person has one, then the the luck guy who got his ak-47, and a 50 round clip (No bashing the 50 round clip lol) is a god, because no one else can stop him.
And lets say, you can go back in time, and disinvent guns. History shows man's brutal behavior, and wars, and crimes will get started, no matter how much control you have.
True, some people say, "No one with a knife will murder 10 people in one day"
Well, how do we know this? Have there been reports on this? Can you trust the media to tell you everything? (That's NOT a conspiracy about the government statement.) Once again, if these mass muder scenes, like schools, and Virginia tech, if all those students had guns, don't you think the death could would have been lower?

Contries don't attack one another now (Unless you're Iraq) because all the contries, espcially the major world powers, know the other has not only a deadly army, and military force, but a nuclear arsenal. This threat of power has brougt peace. Everyone knows if you bomb the us, you'll get get hit hard back. So, as long as everyone is equaly matched, no one will attack, not unless another reason comes into play. (That's another story)

You have no idea how bad your idea is. I did think this was a great idea, everyone has guns so criminals don't know who to rob. I couldn't have been more wrong. Having the gun as a scare tactic is only going to work for so long. Theres a big difference between shooting a target, animal, and a human being standing feet from you looking into your eyes. I would bet the less than 10% of the population when faced with a life or death situation would pull the trigger and if you hesitate for just that second your dead first.

Thats where things go all wrong, owning a gun for personal protection and if you have a permit to carry is something different than lets arm everyone and their mother.

If all the students at VT had guns the death toll would have been higher from just plain bad shots. An AK is a great weapon however how the bulk of society views the gun and would use it makes it useless. Its highly in accurate on auto which everyone sees as the "cool" thing about the gun. The cool thing is the round it fires is amazing and has the ability to go through some types of body armor and the fact that you can't fuck up the gun. But a 50cal glock style hand gun would be the same thing in a smaller package and being smaller but easier to hide would be more deadly.

A knife is no where near the same as a gun and is not near as deadly nor does it have the potential to be as deadly. For a knife you have to be within feet or closer to be accurate(altho the variables to be deadly accurate vs an aware person are extremely high) where as a hand gun you have to be within 20yards, a shotgun 50yards, a rifle 200yards, and a high powered rifle 600yards. Dangerous knife vs any gun. come on. As for gangs using knives over guns, negative brother. Fuck seeing a movie or reading "stats" on the internet, live it. Watch people go after each other. You don't use a knife as your primary weapon in anything gang related because it gets you killed, quickly. I've seen it.

I've lived outside of DC and Baltimore my whole life(aside from 2yrs I spent in florida) I know violence and what it does. I actually want to move back to florida where people waved and were generally decent people. Here its gone to shit. I can't even goto the mall which is considered a "decencet" part of town without fear of being at least shot at. If your going to do anything put a metal detector at the door and arm the security guards.

I've lost a few friends to a bunch of different things and at least 1 has been to a shooting. However I still own a gun(registered) and will for hunting, personal protection, and because I enjoy to shoot. I think gun control laws are good where they are at. If you make them stricter then it will be harder for honest people to get a gun for whatever reason and criminals can get guns regardless so people would be less able to protect themselves. But giving everyone a gun is not a good idea. Altho I can go buy an M-16(or M4?) with the grenade launcher attachment for $4200. You can only buy chalk loads tho.
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Old 07-12-2007, 06:45 PM   #8  
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I think if everyone had a gun, it'd be the wild west all over again. People wouldn't be allowed to argue, cause they'd end up shooting eachother. Sort of how the US is going now. Everyone is so up tight, no one greets eachother, people sitting next to eachother on a bus don't even say high or look at eachother, cause everyone is afraid of eachother. I'd much rather be in a world without guns, where I know if i call some low life a low life, he wont whip out a gun and shoot me. Or if I look at someone too long, they don't say "you got a problem" and stick a gun in my face. Or if i smile at a girl, her short, low self esteemed boyfriend who knows he could never step to me, doesn't walk over and lift his shirt to flash his gun. People who carry guns, are people who can't fight.

With the way the world is today, I can see people buying guns and keeping them in a safe place for home protection. Outside of that, you're just being a low self esteemed, paranoid, prick, and you're probably going to end up doing something stupid with the gun.

Just my opinion though, and everyone is entitled to one.
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Old 07-12-2007, 08:50 PM   #9  
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Originally Posted by KhaoZ
I think if everyone had a gun, it'd be the wild west all over again. People wouldn't be allowed to argue, cause they'd end up shooting eachother. Sort of how the US is going now. Everyone is so up tight, no one greets eachother, people sitting next to eachother on a bus don't even say high or look at eachother, cause everyone is afraid of eachother. I'd much rather be in a world without guns, where I know if i call some low life a low life, he wont whip out a gun and shoot me. Or if I look at someone too long, they don't say "you got a problem" and stick a gun in my face. Or if i smile at a girl, her short, low self esteemed boyfriend who knows he could never step to me, doesn't walk over and lift his shirt to flash his gun. People who carry guns, are people who can't fight.

With the way the world is today, I can see people buying guns and keeping them in a safe place for home protection. Outside of that, you're just being a low self esteemed, paranoid, prick, and you're probably going to end up doing something stupid with the gun.

Just my opinion though, and everyone is entitled to one.

This is some of the most horrible logic I have ever heard...

I own a gun. It's fully registered, and everything. I know people up the street who own about 100 guns. (No joke) No one has done anything stupid.
You said before people are afraid of each other like on the bus, and people don't wave, or say hi anymore. This is due to fear. Fear that no one knows what the other will do. This is human nature, not guns. Knives can do the same thing a gun can, in fact, in a much quicker, and quieter fashion. So, if knives are banned, what's next? Fists? Then, lets ban martial arts too, because that makes us into lethal weapons.

Guns aren't the problem. You stated yourself, that it's the people who are the problem. Everyone is afraid. Putting a gun in everyone's hand makes people more equal in power to the other, rather then the one person with a gun because 10 levels higher then anyone else. Like I said, the common knowledge of guns in everyone's hand theory, would stop gun murders in their tracks. If you're a ba guy, and you want to kill someone in a populated area, and you know everyone else has a gun, you'll have to kill everyone before they shoot you.
These people that are so evil are the few. The major portion of humans aren't evil.

And who thinks killings would always take place like the wild west? Someone watches a little too much Dirty Harry, or other Clint Eastwood movies. ;)

Weapons are always getting bigger, and better. Before guns, it was swords. And the person with the greatest swordsmanship was the better one.
Taking away guns doesn't reduce crime, or murder. It does in fact make it easier. Like I said before, a world without guns would make no one have a defence against others. Thus, the person with the best knife training would be the killer IF he so desired to be.
Also, drugs are banned. But, I hear of alot of people getting their weed/pot. Drugs are illegal. Yeah, lets make guns illegal too. Seems illegal makes people stop having them for sure. Bummer to the moron who thinks this way.

A world without guns is a knife server in css, then someone hacks, and gets a gun.
Or, a normal server, where everyone is petty even to a degree, and someone speed hacks. He has a major advantage over everyone else.
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Old 07-12-2007, 09:09 PM   #10  
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Originally Posted by RavenBeef
This is some of the most horrible logic I have ever heard...

I own a gun. It's fully registered, and everything. I know people up the street who own about 100 guns. (No joke) No one has done anything stupid.
You said before people are afraid of each other like on the bus, and people don't wave, or say hi anymore. This is due to fear. Fear that no one knows what the other will do. This is human nature, not guns. Knives can do the same thing a gun can, in fact, in a much quicker, and quieter fashion. So, if knives are banned, what's next? Fists? Then, lets ban martial arts too, because that makes us into lethal weapons.

Guns aren't the problem. You stated yourself, that it's the people who are the problem. Everyone is afraid. Putting a gun in everyone's hand makes people more equal in power to the other, rather then the one person with a gun because 10 levels higher then anyone else. Like I said, the common knowledge of guns in everyone's hand theory, would stop gun murders in their tracks. If you're a ba guy, and you want to kill someone in a populated area, and you know everyone else has a gun, you'll have to kill everyone before they shoot you.
These people that are so evil are the few. The major portion of humans aren't evil.

And who thinks killings would always take place like the wild west? Someone watches a little too much Dirty Harry, or other Clint Eastwood movies. ;)

Weapons are always getting bigger, and better. Before guns, it was swords. And the person with the greatest swordsmanship was the better one.
Taking away guns doesn't reduce crime, or murder. It does in fact make it easier. Like I said before, a world without guns would make no one have a defence against others. Thus, the person with the best knife training would be the killer IF he so desired to be.
Also, drugs are banned. But, I hear of alot of people getting their weed/pot. Drugs are illegal. Yeah, lets make guns illegal too. Seems illegal makes people stop having them for sure. Bummer to the moron who thinks this way.

A world without guns is a knife server in css, then someone hacks, and gets a gun.
Or, a normal server, where everyone is petty even to a degree, and someone speed hacks. He has a major advantage over everyone else.

I'll just have to disagree with everything you said. I don't have the time to explain to you why I believe you're wrong, especially since no matter what i said, you'd never change your view, and i'd never change mine, so it's a waste of time.

Anyway, like i said. Everyone can have an opinion, and everyone doesn't HAVE to agree with it. I grew up in areas where, if there was better gun control, or no guns at all, I'd probably have a few more friends today, so naturally I'll never agree with the pro gun point of view.
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