Some of you have already read this if you've been paying attention to the FA group on but I'm pasting it here for those who haven't.
Well I've been on computers since I can remember. My father was into IT so I was always playing new games and stuff. When I was 14 I joined FA for their Starcraft division but ended up playing Unreal Tournament competitively for them. Eventually we played UT2k3. I became an admin when I was 16. I started playing D2 with FA around 1.09 and played every season since except for 1.12. I also led a competitive division for Americas Army with FA for many years. Eventually I gained the highest rank possible although I stepped down when I began to prepare for college. By the time I was 20 I stepped down as leader of AA to do better in my studies. I don't play any games for FA anymore but I'm still an admin and helped rebuild the site. During the process though we lost all our divisions except WoW. All that seems so long ago. I'm 22 now and I must say it's been an amazing experience being in such a great community for so long. That's my gaming background in a nutshell. Recently I've been playing Americas Army 3 which just released but it's still quite glitchy so I haven't been playing all that much of it. I've played some WoW and CS: Source as well as many other games over the years. My Xfire is iceblade122. My fav D2 char is a Light Sorc but I also like Smiters.
I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I'm a full-time student and also working full-time managing a warehouse so I can't play competitively which is why D2 has been a great game for me over the last 3 years. I can just hop on anytime and continue you know? Doesn't matter at what time or w/e. This next semester is my last at this school though and I'm only taking 3 classes so I should have plenty of time for D2 I also have a gf whom I have been with for over a year now and things seem fairly serious. Who knows how that will turn out though. In any case she takes up a lot of my time lawl. I enjoy camping, hiking, snowboarding, boating, reading and of course computers. I build my own pc's and I'm also proficient with any software given enough time to learn it. Since it's summer I've been going out a lot to bars and parties. My gf and I have also been doing all the touristy things there are to do in Montreal. It's quite fun to view your city as a tourist. I guess that about sums it up for the moment but I'm sure we'll all get to know each other fairly well as we start to play together and get talking.