No, you can't switch servers.
You shouldn't be able to be killed by a level 45 at level 12 unless:
1) You attack him first. (Or, you use an Area of Effect spell near him.)
2) You ventured to Desert of Flames or the Overrealm where there is no PvP level limit.
In the starter areas just outside the city, such as The Caves, The Down Below, The Peat Bog, The Forest Ruins, etc., there is a +/- 4 level PvP limit, meaning you are fair game to any Freeporter or Exile that is level 10-16 (with you at level 12). If you venture out into Antonica, the PvP limit is 8 levels, meaning you are a target for any Freeporters levels 10-20. So, you should make sure you travel with a group while out in the more open areas, keep invised, and watch your back.
As far as your loot goes, sorry about that. Once you've been with us for about 2 weeks or so, and you've caught the attention of an officer as being helpful, and really want to continnue with our guild and so on, you will promoted. If you explain your situation to an officer or above, he or she should be able to give you your loot back, as long as the bank log still registers that you indeed did deposit the items.
My advice, talk a lot in guild chat, have fun, download, install, and set up Teamspeak so you can talk with us on there, and befriend an officer or two. We have a lot of people that have alts at many different levels, including near your level, that I'm sure would be glad to show you the ropes.
Happy adventuring,
Derian Lochmoor
General of the Queen's Guard