GRAW 2 or RB6?
Hey guys, I hate to do this, and I don't want to seem like a prick, but it needs to happen.
I want to know which of you want to stay with the RB6 division and which of you want to focus on the GRAW division. I know everyone is saying that it's just a new game and that's why everyone is overplaying it, but in a lot of cases that isn't true. RB6 was a main focus of ours for a long time, and we were always on it, yet the game wasn't new. It will most likley be the same for GRAW.
The bottom line is that we can't be great as a team if we keep flip flopping games. We won't be good in personal skill, either. I know this sounds hypocritical, but once again, this is why I'm quitting Gears. I have no more need for it since RB6 went to MLG.
To those more interested in GRAW, I'll miss you, but we'll just need to recruit more to replace those absent. I'm not saying that you can't stay on the ladder and play gamebattles with us once and a while, but the dedicated ones will have priority, and the people flip flopping sure as hell won't be playing in MLG.
-- Vegan.
Fuck your catchy one liners, fuck your dress to impress. You can go fuck yourself with that trendy shit. Fuck your bad attitudes, fuck your weak high-class. Fuck all you pretenders, keep your life of trash.