One thing I wanted to add
Yeah I just wanted to say one thing about the site, the new site sounds awesome, but what i really wanted to say was about forums. I was in the BF2 division and I would be on forums like twice a day cuz we would all be talking about all these diffeant things that were going on, funny shit and serious shit, and evreynight we would have a good time and play and we progressed as we went on. But Now I recently stopped playing BF2 and I joined and the CSS divsion. It started with forums, Like I read older posts and I noticed peeps were into the game, now I'll make a post and it will sit like the for a month with no reply, then I'll be browsing and notice someone post, in which would be from blood, lol and that will be it. We have 2 teams for CSS right now, good team may I add. For our second team I recruited 2 players and we play everynight with eachother, where are the other players? dont know. Then I was talking to a person from the 1st cal team and he was saying the same thing. So if people are so eager to get these new divisions going, how about trying to excel in the the ones that your already involved with. sWeePer out-
the sweeper #mythlogic MI LanTeam cal-m/cevo-a 1st Place Pittco/3rd Place Mpcon/2nd Place BigShot