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Fire 05-31-2007 12:10 PM

Mozilla Freezing Issue!
I got a lot of lock-ups and freezes with Mozilla on Vista. On my previous PC, XP was awesome. My computer usually freezes on "engadgetmobile.com" and "boygeniusreport.com" Is it just Vista or is there a fix through Mozilla or Microsoft? I believe my system patches itself so MS doesn't seem like the solution, but I could be wrong... HELP!

Zin 05-31-2007 12:46 PM

oh shit, i just downloaded and installed like 10 min ago, am i screwed?

Rathious 05-31-2007 02:32 PM

It is most likely a problem with vista not liking Mozilla, windows isn't going to fix it you will have to wait for Mozilla to fix it or it is just a problem with the coding on those 2 sites and the OS/browser I wouldn't worry to much it will get fixed. Anyway sorry couldn't be much help Firefox works great on my xp system. Don't sweat it or us a dual boot config and use xp for all your browsing if you can't live without those sites. Anyway if I hear anything on it I will give you a heads up.

Fire 05-31-2007 06:22 PM

That's what I would like to do is have the dual boot thing.... XP is fun to use, but compatibility, I see, is going to be an issue right now.

SacredTbag 05-31-2007 08:36 PM

it wouldn't surprise me in the least if microsoft intentionally did this. they want you to use IE, not an open source browser. just give it a bit and mozilla will work around it.

Fire 06-02-2007 10:24 PM

I wouldn't be surprised myself. Microsoft are a bunch of scum bags... wish I would be just like them :-)

Rathious 06-09-2007 07:40 PM

Well it is my understanding that windows will not be giving out code for there OS to anti-virus companies. I have heard a nasty little rumor that they include anti-virus software with vista and no manufacturers of 3 party anti-virus software will have the chance to develop anti-virus software for it. I hope this is a rumor and not truth or I fear what will happen to all the PC's out there as far as viruses are concerned. anyway I am sure it has something to do with Microsoft trying to make a totally Microsoft dependent OS these are rumors I have heard. I dread the day that I have to depend on bill gates and all his monkey's to protect me and my PC's from hackers. I won't be going to Vista until I have confirmed or disproved these rumors. I just really don't trust MS to protect my machine with all the current Issues with vista at this point.

Fire 06-15-2007 02:13 AM

I just need someone to help me have a dual OS setup. I started using Safari 3.0 and it also freezes at times. MS = Satan. I see they purposely made their OS that way. If Safari didn't freeze, than I would think it was a Mozilla issue.

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