Fallen Angels

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-   -   Risk Your Life: Incomplete Union (free pvp MMO) (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=241)

BearAssJoe 08-26-2006 07:33 PM

Risk Your Life: Incomplete Union (free pvp MMO)
months ago most of us played the trial of RYL: PoTE, and had alot of fun with the hack 'n slash feel of it.

apparently there is a new expansion on a free server.

check it out here > http://www.ryl2.com.my/

when you goto download, find the FTP download though cause its much faster than the cnet one that you first see.

for those who havent tried RYL... its a real underground MMORPG. Mainly because its some no-name developer and runs on some piece of shit server with tons of lag. However the gameplay mechanics and pvp system is a blast. the game plays like a console action RPG almost, where you have to actually swing your weapon at something and not just target and auto attack... also meaning you have to keep your character attacking that target with actual movement.

anyway... something to waste time on and have fun.

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