Fallen Angels

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-   -   MyGamersZone $500 Tourney (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1519)

KhaOZ 12-11-2006 04:09 PM

MyGamersZone $500 Tourney

That's our team.

Here are some details of the event:

Game Settings & Specifications:

Host will be determined by the MGZ staff. I think this is lame, but whatever.

Game type: Warzone
All Weapons on
Match = 1st to 3 maps
Map = 1st to win 3 rounds

Friendly fire off
Map List (Played in this order)

War Machine
bleed out time: 20 seconds
round duration: 5 minutes
number of players: 4

For more details:

thephantom13 12-12-2006 12:20 AM

wish I could be available to help you guys practice or even participate but, alas I am without my 360 for a couple weeks. On the bright side I just have one more paper to write and I will officially be done with college and considered a college graduate! Good luck guys! Btw, when is this taking place so I can check and see how you guys did?

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