Fallen Angels

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Rasselas 11-11-2006 01:33 PM

Crafting Questions
There seems to be some debate on specific crafting techniques.

1. Do you save energy by crafting with all of your gear set to un-equip?

2. Does this level you quicker?

3. Does it increase the chance of creating a better item?

4. How can I level faster?

5. How can I create better items?

Rathious 11-11-2006 10:58 PM

well i craft in full gear that i use for adventuring there is crafting gear you can buy. Also to answer is there a faster way to lvl when ever you create a perfect item you have never created you get bonus xp. I have resorted to the grind technique with most of my toons though. the way you get the reall good reciepes is to get the advanced books for each lvl off the broker. example: you just got lvl 13 in your crafting you are an outfitter you buy the basic book outsid ethe dors to the crafting instance. There is also a lvl 13 advanced outfitter book you can get either by finding one as a drop or buying one off the broker from another player or look in the guild bank if you see a book you need ask. Others can prolly give you a more indepth answer to these questions i am just giving you the basics since i am mainly an adventurer and only dabble in crafting.

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