Fallen Angels

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ibme 08-24-2006 03:11 PM

Notes from your profile on the FA site:

You have been here through Thick & Thin and have done more for FA then anyone may ever know. Before things change much more I want you to finally get your due. Thanks for everything you've done Gooshy. FA|AD-ibme

Rank changed from Circle of Advisory to Overlord

I know its kind of redundant at this point but you truely have done alot for FA through the years. Like the note says....more than probably any one person knows. I personally wanted to say thanks for everything you've done and I guess that is my way of trying to show it.

Thank-you Sir

no0bmasta 08-24-2006 03:19 PM

go goosh!


IceBlade 08-24-2006 03:50 PM

Congrutulations you giant bag of douche.

CoBra 08-24-2006 04:16 PM

Congratulations Gooshy, I've been here for a while and have seen you since I've joined this gaming clan, it has also been the better half of my life spending here, and you without a doubt deserve this, once again, congratulations.

Spin 08-24-2006 04:32 PM

'grats dude

KhaOZ 08-24-2006 04:36 PM

He hasn't been active since this post was made, so he's being demoted... we require 24/7 activity from our admins, even if it's just saying "der" every 5 minutes in IRC... sorry goosh :(

Congrats btw goosh, as i'm sure you figured out my post is obviously bullshit, and i'm just bored out of my mind trying to fix shit on my comp, lol.


Rathious 08-24-2006 04:48 PM

Gratz. (damn 10 character limit.)

Gooshy 08-24-2006 05:00 PM

Wow.. thanks a lot for the kind words. I did not see this coming at all. I appreciate everything you've all said, but I honestly believe the work the admins have done over the past month has been immense.. much more than I could ever take credit for. Lhurg, Khaoz, Cyber, Ice, Ibme, scorp, sick.. the list goes on. They really deserve the credit for all of the hard work they've done for the clan and the updates to the site. I think they all deserve a round of applause!


})FA.cL0cK 08-24-2006 05:00 PM

Grats on your PvFA accomplishment.

Zackizle 08-24-2006 05:56 PM

grats! ******

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